Common Australian termites
In Australia, there are more than 300 types of termites. Among these termites, there is a handful that is commonly found to infest Australian homes. Read our quick summary of the most destructive types of termites in Australia. Please find out more about these pests and how to stop them.
Termites can be nasty little pests, which may be difficult to eradicate on your own. Read our simple guide on how to apply preventive measures to avoid termites. We also have a guide on how to rid of termites. If you need more information, you may call us on (02) 8007 4666 or send us a message. Please send us any of your termite-related questions. Available for a FREE consultation.
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Destructive termites in Australia
There's more than one type of termite that can infest your property.
West Indian Drywood Termite
Although this type of termite is said to have originated in Jamaica, its actual origin is unknown. It feeds on structural lumbar to survive and commonly infests damp areas in your home.
Just like other termites, the West Indian drywood termite is a social insect and resides only in the wooded structure it infests, collecting water and cellulose from wood fibres. The insects are larger and more cylindrical in size compared to other types of termites found in the country.
Dampwood Termite
Dampwood termites are larger in size than subterranean termites. The species with wings (known as ”swarmers") are around 25mm long. The soldiers, however, are 20mm in length.
Swarmers are the ones that start a damp wood colony. They only produce a few eggs a year and make up a small colony. Gradually, they will expand their colony to different areas of your property. They have a preference for decayed wood.
One of the best ways to know if you have a damp wood termite infestation is to have small, clean holes in a wooded structure. This is because these termites like to eat across the grain.
Formosan Termite
Formosan termites love warm places. Their bodies are designed to be resistant to heat in certain ways. They have 3 distinctive castes:
- alates (ones that reproduce)
- soldiers
- worker termite
The best way to tell them apart from other species of termites is by looking at the soldier termites. The soldier termites are oblong, whereas subterranean termites have a rectangular-shaped heads. The swarmers/alates have a thick covering of hair over their wing, yellowish-brownn in colour, and half an inch in size.
Formosan termites are also more aggressive when it comes to defending themselves. When they feel threatened, they release a white fluid that is used for defence purposes.
Termites Habitat
The diet and behaviour of termites depending on the species. Most people have a perception that termites are small ant-like creatures that feed on wood. While this is true to some extent, they are bigger than ants and feed on more than just wood.
The typical diet of an average termite is the cellulose found in wood fibre. Some species of termites like the Formosan love to invade soil and create mud tunnels. These ”˜tunnels' serve as their nest.
Just like honey bees, termites also have a queen that they follow. The queen can lay up to 1,000 eggs per day. When certain termites develop wings and are released from the colonies, they establish new ones.
If you suspect that termites infest your home, book a building and pest inspection today.
Termites On Your Property
So you have discovered a termite colony, and most homeowners' initial reaction is to get the insect spray out and kill them all. DO NOT DO ANYTHING! If you have discovered termites, put everything back as it was before you discovered them. If any termites have come outside their workings and are visible, collect a few specimens and preserve them in some spirits. This will help us identify the type of termites in your home. Termite control is only effective when the correct termite treatment is used.
It is important not to attempt any termite treatment yourself or disturb them any further as they may scatter around the house and make treatment more difficult. Remember, a termite queen can lay up to 40,000 eggs per day and live up to 50 years.
If you suspect a termite infestation in your home, you may consult our pest experts, who can determine what type of termite you are dealing with. Call (02) 8007 4666 to get a FREE Consultation. You may also download our free pest control guide when you join our mailing list. Sign up now!
Termite infestations
Termite infestations lead to extensive damages in your home. Each year, Australians spend millions dealing with termites. Australian homes are highly susceptible to termite infestations since termites thrive in warm and damp areas. Watch the video below to find out more.
Termite Services
Our pest control company has termite exterminators that are fully trained to prevent and eradicate termites. Book our pest controllers for your home or commercial property in Sydney. We offer the following termite control services:
We have licensed pest and building professionals and members of the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association. All our pest control services are 100% safe for children and pets.