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Typically, seeing winged termites indoors is the first sign of a termite infestation. Some other signs of infestation include spotting mud tubes that extend over your foundations, support columns, floor joists and other. Sometimes there will be absolutely no sign that your home is infested by termites as these bugs are very quiet pests that prefer to hide. There are cases where a termite infestation can last for years before being detected. When a termite infestation go unnoticed, the damage associated with it is often critical and beyond repair. That’s why it is important to regularly book a building a pest infestation.
Although termite infestation can happen all-year round, there are termites that reproduce and create new colonies during spring season. Winged termites, known as swarmers, emerge during spring. They spread with the goal of starting new colonies, triggered by warm temperatures and frequent rains during this season. Once these termites come down to the ground and lose their wings, they’ll begin to mate and start a new colony.
Termites are pests that are responsible for causing damage to properties. Millions of dollars each year are spent on repairing damagges caused by termites. Termites can bite through almost anything, from wood to paper, books, insulation and even your filtration systems. Termites can even cause extensive damage to trees and plants. Buildings and other properties can get infested with termites all-year round. Needless to say, a termite infestation causes tremendous stress and can affect you financially and even psychologically.